Join the Most Effective 1% on Earth with the Life Improvement Program Disguised as a “Productivity System”

Take control of your life, master your mindset, build unstoppable habits, and achieve your most important goals in less time

Fellow entrepreneur (or busy person), are you:

What is Zorga™?

Zorga is a structured online course that teaches you how to:

  • Get clear on your goals, vision, mission purpose and direction in life – fast!
  • Set crystal-clear goals and create an action plan
  • Stay laser-focused and avoid distractions
  • Massively improve your productivity and digital fluency
  • Build powerful habits and a simple daily routine – your habits will build you
  • Develop a bulletproof mindset for confidence and consistency
  • Improve your mindset, “grit” and ability to handle anything life throws at you
  • Get clear on your finances and learn how to grow them on autopilot
  • Optimize your physical and mental health to make you unstoppable

What Results Should I Expect?

  • Join the top 1% most productive and hyper-competent people on Earth
  • Learn what we call “Effortless Accomplishment” – getting things done on autopilot. 
  • Achieve clarity and focus – stop chasing ideas and start executing with precision.
  • Helping you create an inspiring vision, mission, values, and a powerful purpose to supercharge your direction in life.
  • Taking Action – a system that almost forces you to take action.
  • Break free from procrastination – take immediate action and follow through.
  • Habit Building – scientifically proven way to build habits (so your habits build you).
  • Develop unshakable confidence – overcome fear, self-doubt, and imposter syndrome.
  • Life improvement – see improvements in your life almost immediately, personal and professional.
  • Become unstoppable  – accomplish your goals regardless of mood, excuses or “failures”.

What Does the Zorga™ Course Include?

The Zorga System has 4 core areas of focus:

Direction: It all begins with Direction: what direction do you want your life to go from here? It seems simple, but most people don’t even have a sense of this, they’re just sleepwalking through life. Getting even a little bit of clarity on where you want to go will dramatically improve your life. You will then start making decisions and taking actions based on what you really want, not just blindly reacting to whatever life throws at you.

Action: Taking Action is what a lot of people struggle with and that can be fixed. Action is how you move toward the Direction you want in life. Spending as little as 10-15 minutes a day building habits and moving toward your goals can have dramatic effects over time.

Feedback: It’s been said that insanity is doing the same thing and expecting a different result. Feedback is how we analyze how our Direction and Action steps are playing out. Are we getting what we want? If not, then we need to analyze what went wrong and readjust.

These are often called “failures” or “mistakes” but really they are just Feedback that you need to change your strategy and get better at making decisions and goal setting. We’ll show you how.  A lot of people simply give up after failures. They don’t learn the lesson, don’t learn to make better decisions and then live predictably mediocre lives.

Optimization: It’s hard to really accomplish anything if you’re easily overwhelmed, depressed, anxious or physically unhealthy. Optimization is how we improve other areas of our life including our mind, body, finances and more. Once these are optimized, you are basically unstoppable and virtually nothing will be out of your reach.

Finally, to unite this all into one simple coherent system, you will create what we call your “Memex” to organize everything and a Daily Routine to bring it all together. Conceived of by Vannevar Bush in the 1950’s, your Memex will integrate all the items above and all your personal knowledge into one simple, portable, easily maintained life management system (that can live on your phone if you want).

Course Outline

The Zorga course includes 9 modules, 56 lessons and more than 40 videos (most are bite-sized, under 15 minutes for maximum retention).

A brief overview of the Zorga System, an Entry Survey to track your progress and download of the Zorga Workbook (and the E-book for those that like to read).

Setup for success. We’ll guide you through choosing and setting up your tools like email, notes, files, calendar, reading system and even guide you on the most efficient setup for your desktop and devices. 

We’ll introduce you to the 14 timeless Zorga Principles that will give you a broad framework for success with this system and in life. 

Direction consists of these parts: values, vision, goals, mission and purpose. Regardless of what happens in life, we need to know where we are headed and be able to keep going in that direction until we take our final breath. At the end of this section you will find tools to help you get crystal clear on your Direction in life. 

Having a clear Direction in life is life-changing, but what makes a great life is to take consistent Action on your well-defined goals. If you have a clear Direction but don’t take consistent Action, then you’re probably not going to get what you want out of life.

If you take consistent Action without a clear Direction, you’ll be all over the place or wasting time. Direction and Action (and Feedback) together are the engine that drives you toward getting what you want out of life. This module shows you how to make a simple daily plan, take consistent action and build habits. 

Creating a simple Daily Action Plan (that only takes a few minutes to create) and workflow (that is simple to set up) to get things done, achieve your goals and keep track of everything else in your life (with no “open loops” or missed details). You can use a pen and paper, an app on your phone, etc. 

When we took Action, what happened? Did it work? This is where we analyze what happened (or what is happening) and decide how to react. How did humans learn anything? Why aren’t we still in caves? Because we took Action and something happened we deemed good or bad. When it was bad we tried to not do that, when it was good we tried to keep doing that. 

Feedback is the shortest part of this system but, in many ways, it is the most important because Feedback is how you bounce back from failure and make better decisions.

Making better decisions means you automatically get better at this (life is ultimately a series of decisions, better decisions = better life).

Having a clear Direction, taking regular Action and processing Feedback properly will likely get you pretty much everything you want out of life over time. However, there are some areas of life where optimizing can make a dramatic difference.

Two important areas to optimize are your body and your mind. If you are already healthy, focused and clear-thinking, then there may not be much to optimize in those areas. However, the vast majority of modern people are not only unhealthy, but they suffer from such distraction, brain fog, anxiety and worse that it’s seriously affecting their ability to focus on anything. Zorga will:

  • Guide you to physical health in a simple checklist method that can radically improve your life.
  • Give you the mental tools and mindset to handle anything life throws at you and ultimately become unstoppable.
  • Give you a world-class financial plan that fits on one page that requires minimal maintenance and grows wealth automatically.

Further, you can improve your relationships, your finances, how you learn and your overall level of maturity and “wisdom.” The areas of Direction, Action and Feedback themselves can also be optimized. You can get much better at setting a vision and inspiring goals. You can get much better at Action including becoming a master of delegation and managing big projects. You can get better at Feedback and making decisions. Improving in any area of Zorga improves the others so consider Optimization the supercharger to this flywheel.

After learning the basics of Zorga, it’s just a matter of implementing Zorga and integrating it into your daily life. Remember, the whole point is to not have a complex setup. The point is to learn these tools and tactics and have them fade into the background. Doing Zorga consists of a Daily Routine and your various tools and files in what’s called a Memex. We wrap everything up with Tool #10: The Zorga Checklist to get you set up and ready to go. 

Help you create your “perfect day” daily routine that prioritizes getting things done easily so you work less and have plenty of free time.

Help you create your “Memex” which will integrate all your personal knowledge into one simple, portable, easily maintained life management system.

The Accountability Module is unique to this course and the purpose is to build these new habits and skills and protect your investment. So as soon as you finish the course, you’re going to be added to our Accountability System and you will get a daily email for 30 days with a checklist to keep you on track along with advice on any pitfalls to avoid. You’ll also take our Exit Survey to track your progress.

Exclusive tools included with Zorga™

Helps you get clear on what you really want out of life (not what others tell you to want).

Helps you set a motivating vision, mission, values and ultimately, a purpose that is inspiring to you.

A simple one-page method for getting things done each day to move towards your Direction and Goals. Includes variations for paper, digital text or your favorite to-do list app.

A quick 10-minute review to keep you on course with your Direction each week and set priorities so you can focus.

A simple method to handle the torrent of data, files, emails, and notifications and put them in places where you can easily find them.

Get better at decisions and you get better at life, this framework will help you master decision-making.

A structured, step-by-step way to get healthier and deal with any energy-draining issues you may have.

A proven way to train yourself to relax (under any stress), build a better mindset, and deal with negative emotions. This tool alone is worth the cost of the course to most students. 

The simplest, easiest financial plan available to put your finances on auto-pilot.

Put it all together by creating a simple daily routine and a Memex to store everything (your entire system can live on a phone).

Results from Zorga™ Customers

The average Zorga customer (based on our surveys before and after taking the course) massively improves what we call their “control score” (scored from 0-100) in these life areas:

  • In control of your life – 89% showed improvement
  • Clear on where you want to go in life – 79% showed improvement
  • In control of your work and workflow – 91% showed improvement
  • How stressed or overwhelmed – 83% showed reduced stress!
  • Mental health – 43% showed improvement
  • Physical health – 27% showed improvement

What is life like after learning Zorga™?

  • Using Zorga in your daily life will become second nature, there are no rigid rules and you can make your system as simple as you want.
  • You will have a clear direction in life.
  • You will know exactly what you need to do each day to move in that direction.
  • You will have world-class decision, health, mindset, and financial tools that will optimize other areas of your life.
  • You will get so much better at setting goals and getting things done, using the tools will actually save you hours a day.
  • Most importantly: you’ll have more free time to think and relax. Many people forget that the ultimate goal of a system like Zorga is to get what you want out of life, but also give you your time and freedom back.

Why Zorga Works

Zorga  takes the best principles of systems like GTD, Atomic Habits, “second brains” and countless more, simplifies them and adds the missing pieces: how to get what you want out of life and how to handle setbacks, stress, procrastination and fully optimize your mental and physical health – and do it quickly – backed by a 100% Satisfaction Guarantee

How is Zorga™ different from other personal development systems?

  • Zorga was built to utilize all major scientific breakthroughs, strategies, and tactics for personal development from ancient times to modern, so it’s likely any effective system’s principles have already been integrated into the Zorga framework. From Marcus Aurelius to David Allen’s Getting Things Done system, we’ve integrated the best ideas into one simple system.
  • Zorga is constantly improving (each edition has a version number starting with 1.0, currently we’re on Version 1.2) so if something has proven effective, it will eventually make it into Zorga. All Zorga customers will receive the updated versions free for life.
  • The Zorga E-book (comes free with the course) has a hard limit of 100 pages that requires it to get to the point, while simultaneously covering all the best practices. This enforces clarity and brevity whereas other systems add lots of padding, stories, and examples. Some paragraphs of information took years to learn and condense.
  • Zorga is a system you do. Most books and courses let you figure out how to implement them (or sell you expensive coaching). In Zorga, you’re given the necessary information and immediately taught how to implement it with a step-by-step tool. We provide free templates for each tool or you can use a simple notebook or notes app (even on your phone).
  • Zorga is backed by a 100% guarantee: if after doing Zorga (within 30 days of purchase) you don’t think it’s worth at least 10 times what you paid for it, then you will be refunded 100%. A few simple tools from
  • Zorga can easily save you hours a day so 10 times is a very conservative value. What is an extra few hours worth every day for the rest of your life? What is living your best life worth? Likely this number is at least hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Compare Zorga to other systems and courses that:

  • Require thousands of dollars – some as much as $3,000! 
    • Zorga costs a fraction of that and comes with a 100% satisfaction guarantee.
  • Take weeks or even months to deliver with long drawn out courses.  
    • Zorga is on-demand and can be done in under a week (or as fast as you are capable). Even if you have a busy 9-5, you won’t have to dedicate endless hours to this.
  • Have complex workflows that take forever to learn.
    • Zorga is simple to learn and flexible, you can make it as easy or as add complexity as your workflow demands.
  • Teach you only one part: productivity.
    • Zorga teaches you Direction (Vision, Mission, Purpose, Values), and without Direction you may be productive on totally useless things.
  • Teach goals but don’t translate that into Action. 
    • Zorga specializes in teaching Action and eliminating procrastination.
  • Teach action but not how to make better decisions, which means you’re just spinning your wheels (making the same mistakes over and over). 
    • Zorga has an entire module on making better decisions.
  • Totally ignore the big three: mind, body and finances.
    • Zorga covers all three deeply with actionable tools. 
  • Have zero accountability.
    • Zorga includes a 30 day Accountability System to reinforce and protect your investment. One simple 2-minute reinforcement each day for 30 days via email and it will stick forever.
  • Don’t guarantee results. 

Free Bonuses

Buy the online course and get instant access to these powerful free bonuses that allow you to get started immediately and further supercharge your skills and effectiveness.

  • The Zorga E-book ($49 value). Our lesson videos include transcripts and you can speed the videos up if you’d like, but sometimes people prefer to read or have text to highlight, etc. We include the full Zorga E-book as part of this course.
  • The Zorga Workbook ($39 value). To make it “stupid easy” we also include a workbook with the course to really make things simple.
  • Tool Templates ($99 value). We include blank versions of all tools for you to copy, download, edit and customize into your unique workflow or whatever tool you use (for notes, tasks, etc.).
  • The Zorga Checklist ($29 value). A full top-to-bottom checklist for fully implementing the Zorga System and customize it to you. No guesswork on how to get started!

Total Value: Over $200 – yours free when you order now.

100% Money-Back Guarantee

You are fully protected by our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee

We want happy customers, and your success is our priority. Our guarantee is simple: If after completing the Zorga course (within 90 days of purchase), you don’t think it’s worth at least 10 times what you paid for it, then you will be refunded 100%.

A few simple skills from Zorga can easily save you hours a day so 10 times the price is a very conservative value. What is an hour of your time worth? What is adding thousands of hours of free time to your life worth?

How do I get Zorga™?

Click here to buy and access instantly You can have Zorga in less than one minute. Your new life awaits, are you willing to take action now backed by a 100% satisfaction guarantee?

Limited Time Launch Discount

Zorga recently launched (and we’re already on version 1.2 based on feedback). If you’re reading this, Zorga is still in a limited time launch discount – the price will soon increase to $399 but you can get it now for significantly less. All we ask is that you leave us an honest review or testimonial so we can keep improving the system for a full launch.

Act now to lock in these savings for life (remember you get lifetime access and all future versions for free!).

Frequently Asked Questions

Zorga was created by Matt Knee, entrepreneur and former INC5000 CEO. After many years of learning, testing and coaching others (and ultimately selling his company for millions) he’s sharing his Zorga system with the world. 

The word “Zorga” comes from a play on the word “organize” and comes from software Matt Knee built to help people manage their life. He soon learned that the software is irrelevant – it is the knowledge, systems and habits that lead to an effective life.

Yes! Have a question on any part of Zorga or just want to bounce an idea off of Matt, email us and we’ll do our best to get you what you need to successfully implement Zorga. We’re especially eager for feedback in this launch period so don’t hesitate to reach out!

No, it’s recorded and totally self-paced. You can do it as fast or as slow as you want – you get lifetime access during the launch period (just please give us feedback).

All major credit cards, PayPal, Apple Pay, Google Pay and the major payment plans: Klarna, Afterpay and Affirm.

You’ll get instant access to our online course platform (you will create a username and password) as well as get a receipt of your purchase sent to your email. You can access the course 24/7 from our site.

Sure thing, email us and we’ll get back to you in less than 1 business day.