Many aspects of Zorga have very clear, science-backed, peer-reviewed and replicated proof for their effectiveness. Every tool has been used, in one form or another, in real life to the benefit of many. Most of the research is very clear on, for example, the effectiveness of setting goals, building habits, cognitive therapy or on common nutritional deficiencies.

However, recently, many studies of human and personal development have been failing to replicate (big ones, like the “marshmallow test” or “ego depletion”; see one list here). We will keep up to date on the science at so they can be updated in real time but regardless of what the science says, real world effectiveness, feedback and improvement is the priority for every aspect of Zorga.





  1. Most studies cannot be replicated 
  2. Here’s a list of reversals in psychology: including marshmallow experiment, etc. 
  3. Body fat:
  4. Vitamin deficiencies:
    1. “Well, it’s shockingly common, unfortunately. The latest statistics suggest that the majority of Americans are deficient in not just one but several micronutrients. I’ll give you some data on specific nutrients from the Nurses’ Health Study: 100 percent of Americans don’t get enough potassium, 94 percent don’t get enough vitamin D, 92 percent [don’t get enough] choline, 89 percent [don’t get enough] vitamin E, 67 percent [don’t get enough] vitamin K, 52 percent [don’t get enough] magnesium, 44 percent [don’t get enough] calcium, 43 percent [don’t get enough] vitamin A, and 39 percent [don’t get enough] vitamin C.”
    2. “Nurses’ Health Study: 100 percent of Americans don’t get enough potassium, 94 percent don’t get enough vitamin D, 92 percent [don’t get enough] choline, 89 percent [don’t get enough] vitamin E, 67 percent [don’t get enough] vitamin K, 52 percent [don’t get enough] magnesium, 44 percent [don’t get enough] calcium, 43 percent [don’t get enough] vitamin A, and 39 percent [don’t get enough] vitamin C.”
    3. Percent micronutrient insufficiency from food in US:
      1. ° Calcium: 40.5% 
      2. ° Magnesium: 54.6%  
      3. ° Vitamin A: 47.8% 
      4. ° Vitamin C: 46.3% 
      5. ° Vitamin E: 86.9%
    4. Supplementation works: Vitamin/mineral supplements had a profound effect on correcting micronutrient insufficiencies in the US.
      1. ° Calcium: 40.5% -> 18.8% 
      2. ° Magnesium: 54.6% -> 19.3%  
      3. ° Vitamin A: 47.8% -> 0.57% 
      4. ° Vitamin C: 46.3% -> 0.83%
      5. ° Vitamin E: 86.9% ->  0.5%
  5. Not wanting to be healed: 
  6. Memex or “Commonplace books” Seneca, Aurelius, Thoreau, Reagan, Branson, Newton used them: 